I want my California

IMG 0424 result

Контент 16 + Just returned from the frozen streets of Moscow (-14C it is, and windy). Now it is pretty clear to me, that I want, no, desire – to leave somewhere warmer. Tired of this weather, of this grey, grim faces.
I remember my Asian trips, unique cuisine, cheap and affordable living, and realize – no, I can’t live there. I need a comfort, I need proper medicine, and, honestly – I like the fact that I can drink tap water.
I have been in dozen countries, maybe more, spent plenty of time there, but the only one that keeps pumping in my brains, beating in my heart is the USA. Love it or hate it.
There are plenty of things I dislike there, but anyway…and moreover, where can you find high standards of living, perfect weather, tons of sun and good infrastructure, if not there? Well, not everywhere if speaking about the sun, but all this you can get in California.

Miami, you can say, as I’m Russian, but I should answer – no hell, I don’t want my house to be destroyed by some tornado every three years, and honestly – I don’t like peacockery, razzle-dazzle, and all this stuff, which surrounds many good citizens of Miami these days. A lot of that in California, too, I know. Yet I feel that I could find my place there, under this sun, in this mornings, LA, probably even driving through the Death Valley…it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. Really.

Well I could be your California baby
And we could be a flawed paradise
Nothing perfect lasts forever
But baby wouldn't that be nice?
===Artem Kovalev===

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