Atlas Plugged (and rebooted)

pexels ylanite koppens 697662
Photo by Ylanite Koppens from Pexels

Content 16+ It would be hard to exaggerate how much my life has changed since 2017. I used to live in Moscow and in my role as ESL (English as Second Language) tutor I would beat the streets in all directions — with long intervals aboard metro trains, buses, trams — often scouring broad and faceless oblong buildings or plunging into the shadows between … Read the rest

Die, Old Man!

Content 18+

Back in Moscow -- and also now in Bulgaria, as I continue to work with Russians via Skype and Zoom -- it has been my business to have close connections with Russian professionals. Because of that, I know a lot of 50-something guys who were living the good life until they lost their jobs. A lot of them were in the banking industry, some dealt in software, others … Read the rest

The Long, Long, LONG road to Varna

Content 18+

My wife Liuba is from Omsk, and many hard, frozen, poverty-stricken years there did nothing to damage her health.But all it took was four winters amid the belching smokestacks and poisoned atmosphere of Moscow for her to contract a chronic bronchial infection. During her last two years in the megapolis, often amid endless bleak rains that more and more prevail there because of climate change, our apartment was … Read the rest

Among School Children

Content 18 + (published as is, blog owner may have different opinion from the author; author expresses his philosophical opinion on the subject and has no intention on insulting anyone) As I was sitting around one early morning slurping down my second transfusion of coffee and draped by the still unfurled curtains of my ‘brown study’ — the birdsong of the Bulgarian village chattering away beyond my balcony — I … Read the rest