Content advisory 12+ There are many talks and speeches regarding the benefits of diversity, yet really few of them truly explain why it actually matters. In short, it widens your thinking horizon, gives you the luxury of less biased choice and helps you to understand the world better; by this, you can develop yourself, because it trains your brain, it stimulates the variety of connections between neurons, which will help you to find non-standard and competitive solutions, or even find out something new (Eureka!) and be recognized, be remembered, be the One.
I could have stopped here, yet if you are interested I can tell you more.
Many people try to live in their small world, not interested in looking around. This is simple, and I understand their decision. They voluntarily decided not to succeed, but to exist in a standard well-prepared environment, without questions, without unexpected things happening. This is OK, but would you read this at all if you really thought so?
There are others, looking for new opportunities, trying to develop, or, at least, to have a pleasure in living. Actually, it is also about development, if you look deeper in how the brain works, but in another way.
Basically, there is a theory (I take it as a good one) that it took three things to invent a car: 1) unwillingness to travel in an uncomfortable saddle on an uncontrollable (if it sees something strange) animal; 2) curiosity; 3) willingness to discover more during the short life we have. I cannot say for sure that the inventor himself thought that way, but I can definitely say that those who promoted the whole idea were based on these facts (and on profit expectations, of course).
Could one invent the car if he decided to live a standard life? No, he would still be using a horse. Without an aspiration to look for something new, to be better, we would still be monkeys, picking colorful fruits from the trees.
Widening thinking horizon…
Diversity gives you a base for that. In a team where different cultures, religion, and points of views are mixed, there are more options to take, more ideas to be produced, because the diversity gives variety, and living in it and with it we develop our way of thinking wider, increasing the amount of the opportunities for the whole team.
Sometimes there are talks about “understanding”, but I’m not sure that everyone is able to “understand” others in a general meaning, because even you and I have different perception of what is “red”, because “red” color causes different brain reaction for the both of us. I take it more as “accepting”, “getting” that. It is not required to “understand” in order to produce something great together, to work or even live together, like engineers usually can’t “understand” designers and vice versa, but still - we have beautiful cars and buildings.
Look around. It is diversity what makes our world beautiful, it is diversity which brings us more options to take…in it we evolve, accepting it with our heart we become Humans, citizens of the world, this is how we give us a chance to be more, to know more, to use our knowledge for further development.
And, to finish I should give a hint for the pure egoists: it helps You. You can achieve better results with that, because it is by the law of probability that the more good choices you have, the higher is the probability that you choose a good one.
===Artem Kovalev===