Who You Are And Who They Think You Are

By Eric Le Roy

.Content 18+ I remember working in a pub in Crawley, near Gatwick airport in London. Many years ago. I was by then probably in my early 30s. Yet, as they say, ‘everybody gets old, but you can stay immature forever.’ That would have been me back then.


I had lived in Bath during the 1970s, returned to the US to do a Master’s degree Read the rest

The Road That Was Taken

Content 16+

Once when I was stuck in Palatka, Florida, a truly smelly north Florida backwater featuring an all-pervading, nostril-putrefying paper mill, I took an English class from one George Kennedy, who hailed from Chicago. He was Head of the Department at St. Johns Junior College back in the very early 1970’s.

George, unlike the other professors – even those from up north who seemed to fit in well with … Read the rest