Mrs. Brown’s Last Room

Age restriction 16+ Of late I have been thinking of the connection between past and present, winter and summer, life and death. Some might consider the latter to be morbid subject, but I do not.

I remember reading a very insightful book years ago which was called "Time's Arrow and Time's Circle." It made what I thought was a very astute point: that the apparent tragedy of our human lives Read the rest


Soul of the Dog. To Be Expelled. Part 3.

Контент 6+
I stood up cautiously and headed to investigate the flat. It was not big but I preferred to know every detail: where the couch and chairs were, where the pans were located (just on the floor under the table), and where the dry leaf of a home plant had fallen from the windowsill. I sniffed and sniffed to remember all signs of my new territory, because if I live … Read the rest