Content advisory 18+ I used to believe that the world of “surfaces” which we usually navigate is a false world -- a superficial icing on a cake of deep and interwoven ingredients. I used to think that, in order to maximize my experience of life, I had to somehow “get to the bottom of it” -- as my old English teachers would have us plumb the depths of this or … Read the rest
Tag: Conspiracy theory
The Art of Story Telling
Контент 18+ Once upon a time, back when dinosaurs still prowled the earth, I was a little boy who lived with his grandparents. It was a nice enough childhood, as childhoods go, and if I have any bitter memories, they do not concern my family members. (Which I why I still don't understand why I murdered them all with an axe !.......Joke. Sorry)
One of the best things was when … Read the rest