Putting Stalin To Rest

Контент 18+ No doubt social media have discussed and dissected all aspects of the latest government act of censorship, in this case, the satirical film "The Death of Stalin." So there is no sense in my following redundancy with more redundancy. I will limit myself therefore to what I hope will be a few more or less original thoughts.

First, I guess it is good that in Russia people still … Read the rest

Prisons and Prisoners. The Burden of Choice. Part 3.

Контент 18+
In the time of Stalin in our country you wouldn’t have found a family in which no one was in prison. This was the epoch of awful repression, poverty and crime. In one prison cell you could find a murderer and a scientist, a journalist and a robber, someone who had returned from captivity after a war only to be denounced as a spy sitting next to one who
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