Who You Are And Who They Think You Are

By Eric Le Roy

.Content 18+ I remember working in a pub in Crawley, near Gatwick airport in London. Many years ago. I was by then probably in my early 30s. Yet, as they say, ‘everybody gets old, but you can stay immature forever.’ That would have been me back then.


I had lived in Bath during the 1970s, returned to the US to do a Master’s degree Read the rest

Donald Trump And The Yellow Brick Road  

By Eric LeRoy

Content 18+ I have always wondered why some people make a powerful impression on us and others don’t. Of course the effect can vary from person to person, and that’s a good thing: for example, it would be a real mess if every man fell in love with the same woman – to the exclusion of all others.

Just imagine it: the longed-for Wench-Princess-Nymphette standing on the Read the rest

So Who is Right and Who is Wrong?

Контент 16+ "The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity."

So wrote the famous Irish poet W.B. Yeats almost 100 years ago (1919 to be exact). The lines, part of a great poem, seem as true today as then -- and probably throughout the entire (circa) 200,000 history of the human race. But what do they mean? Of course, they are open to interpretation (pretty … Read the rest

Prisons and Prisoners. The Burden of Choice. Part 3.

Контент 18+
In the time of Stalin in our country you wouldn’t have found a family in which no one was in prison. This was the epoch of awful repression, poverty and crime. In one prison cell you could find a murderer and a scientist, a journalist and a robber, someone who had returned from captivity after a war only to be denounced as a spy sitting next to one who
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