Come To The Cabaret, Old Chum

By Eric Le Roy

Content 18+ The gray days turn now to early darkness – light-swallowing afternoons that have me leaving the apartment with my dogs when it is still daylight and returning 30 minutes later to sudden winds and the pitch black of precocious night. These afternoons end quicker than friendships when talking about places like Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine. Believe me, I know.

In the morning, … Read the rest

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Контент 16+ Being now relocated in Bulgaria, the time has come again to celebrate Christmas on 25 December, just as I did all my life before I went to live in Russia. To tell you the truth I am elated. As a so-called ex-pat (God I hate that term), I can truthfully say that I never missed Thanksgiving and Christmas all that much; in fact, there were years when the … Read the rest

Welcome to Being Me

Контент 18+
An insight into what makes a 41-year-old mother of 1 son tick.
Jump on, climb inside. Laugh at the humiliations that I have suffered and learn from my mistakes. Cry with me, tears of sorrow or laughter! Celebrate my mistakes and embrace what makes me human. Form an opinion. Share your views if you feel compelled to, be they negative or positive. It’s okay, that’s the point to … Read the rest