Jerry West And The Snows Of Yesteryear [Part 2]

By Eric Le Roy

Content 18+ (maybe even 21+)

Part 1:

The Late Innings

Now a lot of the shops and businesses were opening, and through the vast draperies of snow that reminded him of some sort of grand circus tent or bazaar full of an endless array of curtains with glittering designs from maybe Turkey or some Arab land with belly dancers bearing beautiful gleaming jewels in their … Read the rest

Jerry West And The Snows Of Yesteryear [Part 1]

By Eric Le Roy

Content 18+ (maybe even 21+)


The Snows

A Return to Charleston

There was a light snow falling when Gary Smithers got off the bus at the Greyhound station in the center of town. It was early in the morning, just after 6.00 or thereabouts, and he searched the streets for a cafe, not wanting his first coffee of the day to come from the scabrous … Read the rest


Prisons and Prisoners. Power of Difference. Part 4.

Контент 18+
Our crew in the hospital consisted of doctors from both Departments of Surgery. We didn’t converse a lot with the therapists. Those who were engaged in purulent surgery were located on the first floor and we in “clean surgery” were based on the second level. There were only two doctors including Anatoly, and they were downstairs on the first floor. When he had gone on one of his
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