The Long, Long, Long road to Varna

Контент 16+ My wife Liuba is from Omsk, and many hard, frozen, poverty-stricken years there did nothing to damage her health.But all it took was four winters amid the belching smokestacks and poisoned atmosphere of Moscow for her to contract a chronic bronchial infection. During her last two years in the megapolis, often amid endless bleak rains that more and more prevail there because of climate change, our apartment was … Read the rest

Turnstiles of Life

Контент 16+ In my English class last night way up high in the Imperia Tower of Moscow City, we discussed the subject of "Change." This particular group of three students (one of whom will be studying at Columbia University in New York next year) offered many sharp and vivid insights -- as is their custom -- but they are in one way lucky to remain ignorant, and that has to … Read the rest

The True Immortal Story Tale

Today, my dear children, I’ll tell you the true story, the story about a King and three of his sons. The first one, named Arler, was brave and smart, no one could ever beat him. The second one, named Barler, was not so smart, but far more handsome. He was well-known for his affairs. The third one was Carler.

He was born during the thunderstorm, and everyone thought that he Read the rest

Лондон. Характеры городов.

Это пост про Лондон. Про Рим можно почитать тут. Про Вену можно почитать тут. Про Москву можно почитать тут. А про Петербург - тут. Про Барселону - тут. Если интересно про какие-то еще города - пишите в комментариях (Европа пока))

Лондон – это Янус, также как и Рим. Сколько раз в нем не побываешь – а каждый раз увидишь новое лицо. Он недоверчивый и холодный … Read the rest

Nine Month Sober. Giving Birth in London.

Контент 18+
“This is your first baby…. There is no way that it is coming at 37 weeks. Put a hot water bottle on your back and get some sleep.” (Midwife in chief. Bath Royal United Hospital. July 20th, 2008)


Yeah…. Thanks for that advice “Senior Midwife “‘Ronda’ Midwife not only told me that I was not in labour, but went on to refuse me treatment when it was
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