Nine Month Sober. Giving Birth in London.

Контент 18+
“This is your first baby…. There is no way that it is coming at 37 weeks. Put a hot water bottle on your back and get some sleep.” (Midwife in chief. Bath Royal United Hospital. July 20th, 2008)


Yeah…. Thanks for that advice “Senior Midwife “‘Ronda’ Midwife not only told me that I was not in labour, but went on to refuse me treatment when it was
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Prisons and Prisoners. Pain of Truth. Part 2.

Контент 18+
On the day before my first night
duty our only anesthetist-resuscitator Elena had given me her own personal phone number.
— Don’t hesitate to disturb me in any case of emergency, — she said. She was an amiable old doctor who could have retired ages ago, but she loved her job and, moreover, there was no other resuscitator in the hospital. I gave her thanks but hoped that
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