Trump’s Fossil-Fueled Legacy: How to Lose the Future in Four Short Years

Content 18+ Humanity has always excelled at self-destruction. From inventing the wheel to turning it into a war chariot, we’ve demonstrated an uncanny knack for using our greatest achievements to dig our own graves. But of all our short-sighted triumphs, climate change might just be our masterpiece—a tragic symphony conducted by fossil fuels, ignorance, and the occasional reality TV star turned politician.

And in this great orchestra of self-sabotage, Donald … Read the rest

United or Dead

Nothing to kill or die for… ("Imagine", John Winston Lennon)

Content 18+ Not sure if you've heard about the Fermi paradox - why we haven't met aliens yet. There is one possible answer to it, and in modern reality it seems to become more and more The One - The Great Filter[1].

Now I am going to step on many toes, but there is no easy way to … Read the rest

No To War

Content 0+

I always try to be as apolitical as I can, however under the circumstances…

I strongly believe that war is never a solution and strongly is against any military actions. I also know that this war will have no winners regardless of what officials say. I strongly believe negotiations are the only way, especially now, in 21st century, when I would prefer to call myself a citizen of … Read the rest

Dinosaurs’ Prophet

Content 18+ Come to the world where huge factories poison air with chemical compounds capable of killing almost all known living organisms in the world; come to the world, where the most developed being is polluting the exclusive source of essential substance in the search of short-term comfort; come to the world, where machines are responsible for the support of the most intelligent beings on the planet, including customer … Read the rest